Final Major Project - Fictional band - Develop 1: Unit 12/13

 Final Major Project - Fictional Band:

Develop - Concept ideation and logo development

Using the collected research from my discovery phase, I created two mindmaps - one for the fictional band and the other for the fictional world they live in. Using this format, I considered a variety of different possibilities for the band name, members, mission, visual reference, and opposition. To further this development of the fictional band, I collated a series of music genre aesthetics to consider which would best fit my fictional band's purpose. I extracted colour palettes from each of these genres, some of which I would then use as the primary colour palette to represent my fictional band. To better understand my band's intended audience and meaning, I created an empathy map as an assumption of their focal thought processes and feelings surrounding the music industry and general societal situations. This would help me to develop characters that felt specifically designed towards the target audience - using specific visual elements to relate to these audience members.

I then went on to consider alternative concepts, processes, and aesthetics. This would allow me to test the solidity of my current idea to ensure I was moving forward in the right direction - as by considering these other ideas I might discover one that better suits my intentions for this project than the one I was currently working with. Ultimately, I decided to continue with my initial thought processes- which shows my original idea held up to the others that I also considered.

When it came to naming the band, I researched the Red Army Faction (Baader-Meinhof Gang) and The German Autumn of 1977. I chose to research these subjects as they concerned a radical leftist group standing up to the oppressive German government as a collective force. This revolutionary ideology is the same element I want my band to represent, however they will be using the non-violent means of music rather than the terror campaigns used by the RAF. I chose to name my band German Autumn, due to the events relevance in the name of fighting back against oppressive forces.

When beginning visual development for my fictional band, I selected three of my previously extracted colour palettes to use in the visual representation of my band (character designs, logos, backdrops, etc.) From this, I began to develop logo iterations for the band, testing a handful of designs linking back to the name element "autumn". I then tested a series of different fonts, paying attention to the line variation of each font to represent the rebellious nature of the band. Once I'd decided on my three favourite fonts, I incorporated these into one of the previous shapes I'd created. I then chose one of these final iterations as the final logo - settled on due to its playful yet rebellious variation in line weight. Using this logo, I then created a pattern using Photoshop - which I could then go on to use in various assets such as posters and other promotional materials.


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